Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Poems by Arturo Osorio

From May 23-June 2 Poet's Watch is featuring student poets from my creative writing class.

Today's featured student poet is Arturo Osorio. He told me I could chose any free verse to post, but I couldn't decide on just one so here are four of them. All four make excellent use of imagery and sound devices, and I love how he utilized his dual language background in a way the flows as naturally as one might speak.

Yo soy el Sol

I am the sun, which gives energy through light
It binds to your cells and the carbon inside
Your vessels are glowing, thick like honey
A cinnamon hue reflecting of your tummy
Yo soy el sol
Which kissed your skin
And filled it up with rich dark melanin

La rosa

A seed which grows a rose is a soul that has been searching for
A corazon in which to fall;
That in which it falls will uplift their burden
Plant endeavor, and cherish their flaws
Thee who can nourish it
Will grow a vigorous root
Take good care of it...and wait for it to blossom in June

Una Parte

Pero no estoy gritandole al cielo diciendo porque
Porque se que no va resolver nada entonces necesito entender
En lugar de pensar las cosas necesito sentirlo en mi pecho
Quiero tomar acción, me creerías si te digo que tengo miedo
Estuve y estoy usando una máscara que no tiene identidad
Estuve muy cerca de tener la pero no pude realizar
Ahora solo estoy pensando y cada vez me acabo más
Fue mi culpa todo el tiempo y no se como decirtelo ahora
Me gustaría mostrarte que adentro, en verdad, 
mis sentimientos no te están mintiendo.

I want to Shed Light

I want to shed light, grab the sun in my hands and hold it close to my chest
I want the water beneath me to burst through the ground, and wash away the filthy chemicals around me
I want to clean up the dirt from the hundreds of rounds that fell off the barrel
Wipe of the blood of those who trampled and crawled on their way towards a shelter
I want to walk all alone, knowing the path I step on won’t tremble and crack…

Read, listen, share, create, and be on watch.

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